Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Tennessee Sex Offender Fugitive in Bates County Jail‏

  On 1/14/2013, a joint operation between members of the Bates County Sheriff’s Office, Butler Police Department and Nashville Metro Police Department netted a wanted Fugitive from Nashville, Tennessee.  The initial report to local law enforcement was that suspect was wanted on 5 counts of Aggravated Rape and was considered armed and dangerous and suicidal. 

Acting on information from Nashville Detectives, officers set up surveillance on a family member’s residence in Butler Missouri, confirming that the suspect’s vehicle was in the driveway.  Members of the Butler Police Department and the Sheriff’s Response Team assembled to affect the arrest, while local Detectives applied for a search warrant. During that time the surveillance team visually confirmed the suspect was at the house.

When the suspect and a family member walked toward his vehicle in an apparent attempt to leave, the surveillance team decided to execute the arrest in the driveway. 

Suspect Robert G Lile was transported to the Bates County Sheriff’s Office. 

On 1/15/2013, Lile was taken before the Honorable Judge Hopkins where he waived extradition to Tennessee.   

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