Wednesday, November 2, 2016

3rd Annual Wild Game Dinner in Rich Hill

The public is invited to Saturday's third annual Wild Game Dinner in Rich Hill. The dinner, which begins at 6 p.m. at Trent's Barbecue, will include several door prize drawings, including a grand prize 33.06 deer rifle with shells.

Tickets to be entered for the door prize cost $5 per person and will be sold at the door. Proceeds from the event will benefit Rich Hill High School's FFA student trip to Washington, D.C.

On the menu: fish, deer, duck, rabbit and buffalo meat with all-American side dishes. Trent's Barbecue is located at 720 East Walnut St.

Also part of the day's event is a turkey shoot and clay pigeon shoot that begins at 1 p.m. next door to the Apache Motel on Hwy B. Prizes will be awarded for category winners.

The dinner is sponsored by First Baptist Church, RHHS Future Farmers of America and the Osage River Baptist Association.

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