Monday, July 21, 2014

Special meeting called this Thursday

Edith Dilley, Vice-Chairman of the Bates County Democratic Central Committee has called a special committee meeting for Thursday evening, July 24, 2014 at 7 PM to be held in the Circuit Court Room, 3rd Floor at the Courthouse. The elevator can be accessed from the north entrance.

The purpose of this meeting is for anyone interested in being appointed by the Governor to the position of Southern Commissioner to make a presentation to the committee. The Bates County Democratic Central Committee will submit their recommendation to Governor Jay Nixon.

Anyone who is interested in being considered for this appointment should send their resume to the Governor whether they meet with the Democratic Central Committee or not.

This meeting is non-binding. Sometimes governors follow the recommendation of the central committee and sometimes they do not.

We are saddened by the untimely death of Larry Berry, our Southern Commissioner, and this is a most difficult task.

courtesy of the Bates County Democratic Central Committee

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