Monday, March 30, 2015

7 million and counting....

Strike up the band...Bates County Live
just passed 7 million web page hits!
Since our very first news story posted on June 28, 2010 our 'little ole' news web site has chalked up more and more hits every fact, over this past weekend our total hit counter (according to Google Analytics) topped the 7 million mark!

Not bad considering Bates County has about 17,000 residents, plus a few from other areas who like to keep tabs on what's going on 'back home'.

Our goal has been, and still is, to bring Bates County fully into the new age of technology regarding news reporting.

 We'd like to take a moment and thank our loyal advertisers. We couldn't stay in business without you!

And thank YOU to our loyal readers- we never would have reached this number of hits without you coming to Mid America Live each and every day for updates.


Doug Mager
Curtis Vail II

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