Thursday, May 18, 2017

Damaging Storms, Heavy Rain Possible Tonight

Our neighbors out west are hunkering down for an expected tornado oubreak across the Dodge City and Wichita areas this afternoon. Those storms will eventually roll our way later tonight but will begin to lose their punch as they do so. The big question is: how soon will they get here? 

The earlier they arrive, the better chance they could come packed with big hail, high wind and maybe even a tornado or two. This is especially true for any storms that arrive before dark. But if they take their time and arrive well after midnight, we'll probably be looking at a weaker line of brief heavy rain and maybe a gust of wind or two. 

Obviously the further west you live the better chance you stand to get these storms while they're still strong, but even areas as far east as Macon and Columbia could see some gusty winds and hail out of this. Stay with us today because we'll have a lot more details as soon as we know more.

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