Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Bates County Cattlemen hosted the March meeting at The Farmhouse Restaurant in Appleton City

The Bates County Cattlemen hosted the March meeting at The Farmhouse Restaurant in Appleton City, sponsored by Joe Brown of MultiMin90. Joe covered how to make your calf crop a winner with trace minerals and the benefits of injectables versus oral minerals. Find more information on

Rich Hill FFA students presented the cattlemen with a neutral informational skit about Dicamba in preparation for the “Ag Issues” Program they will be taking part in. Thank you to Lora Rapp for the opportunity to peer into how students are currently advocating for the ag industry!

Past President Ivan Fischer announced he dropped off a beef donated by Brice Fischer and Dane Diehl to be processed for “MO Beef for MO Kids.” Half the beef will go to the Rich Hill school district and the other half will be donated to Butler school district. THANK YOU to both Brice and Dane.

A gracious thank you to Joe Brown, Farmhouse Restaurant and Rich Hill FFA.

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