Tuesday, March 31, 2020

From the desk of Heather Diehl Farmers Insurance

In compliance with the new Bates County Order, yesterday we closed our lobby to the public. We are an "essential" business, therefore, we are still in the office working (following mandated guidelines for social distancing).

We are still able to do all business via phone, email, mail or using our door mail slot here at the office. I have to admit though, yesterday while exchanging papers through the mail slot with a client standing outside, felt more like we were a fast food place handing him a hamburger. This is NOT what we want, but we are doing our part to prevent the spread of this COVID-19 outbreak. Please know that we are still here and available to help our clients in any way we can.

Our prayers are with other businesses also as they push through these trying times, as some have had to close completely temporarily.

With all things, we must put our faith in God, and trust that he will bring us all through this. I know that for myself, I have taken this time without all of the hustle/bustle of my kids' sports and activities, to actually have an opportunity to "slow down" and enjoy more family time in the evenings. I hope that others are making the best of this time also.

Heather Diehl Farmers Insurance Butler 

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