The purpose of this workshop will be to provide residents with the resources and information necessary to combat/prevent flooding on their property.
Officials from National, State and City agencies will be there, to present information and to have one-on-one conversations with residents about the issues they personally face during a flood.
During the event, each agency will have a table, spaced at least six feet from any other agency, in an effort to uphold social distancing guidelines, while allowing for interactions with residents.
All are welcome to attend.
If you have questions about the event, please contact the City’s Public Information Officer/Deputy City Clerk or (816) 380-8909.
The City of Harrisonville is committed to mitigating flood risk. Elected officials have adopted a Storm Water Management Plan and development ordinances.
The City meets the eligibility requirements of the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). But record storms and flash floods in 2017 showed that flood risk in the city was changing.
Therefore, the City asked for help from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USAGE) flood risk management experts. Through Silver Jackets, USAGE built new tools to conduct studies and assessments for a plan to reduce flood risk in the future.
Working as a technical team, this information summarizes Silver Jackets completed work while pointing to future action.