Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Take time to study: Bates county ballot April 4, 2023

Bates County Sales Tax

Shall Bates County, Missouri Impose A Countywide Sales Tax of Three Percent (3%) On All Tangible Personal Property Retail Sales Of Adult Use Marijuana Sold In Bates County, Missouri For The Purpose Of Funding General Revenue?



Bates County Memorial Hospital

To Choose By Ballot One

Director Who Shall Serve As A Member Of The Board Of Directors Of Said Hospital For A Term Of Five Years. Vote For One

Jerry Jones

Write In

County Hospital Tax

Shall Bates County, Missouri Impose A Countywide Property Tax Of One-Half Dollar Per One Hundred Dollars Assessed Valuation For The Purpose Of Maintenance, Improvement, And Operation Of The Hospital And For Constructing And Furnishing Necessary Additions Thereto, Including Funding The Hospital’s Ambulance Service?



Archie R-V School District

To Choose By Ballot Three

Directors Who Shall Serve As Members Of The Board Of Education Of Said School

District For A Term Of Three Years Each. Vote For Three

Julie K. Smith

Chad Reynolds

Mark Houchen

Ryan R. Grimes

William C. Stevenson

Write In

To Choose By Ballot One

Director Who Shall Serve As A Member Of The Board Of Education Of Said School District For A Term Of One Year. Vote For One

Jeremy R. Pettet

Write In

Ballard R-II School District

To Choose By Ballot Three Directors Who Shall Serve As Members Of The Board Of Education Of Said School

District For A Term Of Three

Years Each. Vote For Three

Boyd Engelhardt

Preston Wainscott

Write In

Appleton City R-2 School District

To Choose By Ballot Three

Directors Who Shall Serve As Members Of The Board Of Education Of Said School

District For A Term Of Three

Years. Vote For Three

Stephanie Preston

Janet Payton

Nick Oehring

Marcus Parsons

Write In

Hudson R-IX School District

To Choose By Ballot Three

Directors Who Shall Serve As Members Of The Board Of Education Of Said School

District For A Term Of Three

Years Each. Vote For Three

Matthew Green

Bridget Merryfield

Kathy Knox

Write In


Shall The Board Of Education Of Hudson R-Ix School District Of Bates County, Missouri, Be Authorized To Increase Its Operating Tax Levy By $0.71 Per One Hundred Dollars Of Assessed Valuation For Operating Expenses Of The District? If This Question Is Approved, The District’s Operating Tax Levy Is Estimated To Increase From The Current Operating Tax Of $3.78 To $4.49 Per One Hundred Dollars Of Assessed Valuation Of Real And Personal Property



Drexel Community Fire Protection District Expansion Of Service

Shall The Board Of Directors

Of The Drexel Community Fire Protection District Be Authorized To Levy An Additional Tax Not More Than Forty Cents ($0.40) Per One

Hundred Dollars Assessed Valuation To Provide Funds For The Support Of An Ambulance Service Or Partial Or Complete Support Of An Emergency Medical Technician Defibrillator Program Or

Partial Or Complete Support

Of An Emergency Medical Technician/Paramedic First Responder Program?



City of Adrian

For North Ward Alderman. Vote For One

David E. Hummel, Jr.

Write In

For South Ward Alderman. Vote For One

Matthew Sears

Write In

Proposition A:

Shall The City Of Adrian, Missouri Impose A City Sales Tax Of Three Percent (3%) On The Sales Of Adult Use Marijuana Sold At Retail?



City of Butler

For Ward 1 Councilman Two Year Term. Vote For One.

Nick Alkire

Write In

For Ward 2 Councilman Two Year Term. Vote For One.

Jeff Hall

Write In

For Ward 3 Councilman Two Year Term. Vote For One.

Tray Douty

Marlene Wainscott

Write In

For Ward 4 Councilman Two Year Term. Vote For One.

Scott Mallatt

Jacob T. Shipley

Write In

Proposition A:

Shall The City Of Butler, Missouri Impose A City Sales Tax Of Three Percent (3%) On The Sales Of Adult Use Marijuana Sold At Retail?



City of Amsterdam

For Mayor

Shane Gerleman

Write In

For Board of Alderman Two Year Term. Vote For Two.

Vicky Vail

Trina Brkhart

Write In


Shall The City Of Amsterdam, Missouri, Impose An Additional City Sales Tax Of One Percent?



City Of Drexel

For Mayor

Nick McKelvey

Write In

For Alderman At Large. Vote For Two.

Timothy J. Eastwood

Terry Baker

Write In

City Of Hume

For Board Of Alderman Two Year Term. Vote For Two.

Adam Swarens


Write In

City Of Rich Hill

For Mayor Two Year Term

Nathan Kassner

Write In

For North Ward Alderman. Two Year Term. Vote For One.

Write In

For North Ward Alderman.One Year Term. Vote For One.

Write In

For South Ward Alderman. Two Year Term. Vote For One

Terry D. Bonham

Write In

For South Ward Alderman. One Year Term. Vote For One.

Write In

Proposition A:

Shall The City Of Rich Hill, Missouri Impose A City Sales Tax Of Three Percent (3%) On The Sales Of Adult Use Marijuana Sold At Retail?



City Of Rockville

For Mayor. Two Year Term. Vote For One.

James Williamson

Write In

For Alderman. Vote for Two. 

James Damon

Write In

Village Of Foster

For Board Of Trustees. Two Year Term. Vote For Two.

Ricky Fischer

William Shane Jacobs

Write In

Village Of Passaic

For Board Of Trustees. Two Year Term. Vote For Three.

Angelia Cumpton

Linda M. Cole

Write In

Mingo Township

For Trustee. Vote For One.

Eric Fuerst

Write In

For Board Members. Vote For Two.

Kent Page

Larry Bergschneider

Write In

For Clerk. Vote For One.

Write In

East Boone Township

For Trustee. Vote For One.

Dave Arnold

Write In

For Board Members. Vote For Two. 

Derek Aurand

Brad Ferguson

Write In

For Clerk. Vote For One.

Erin Aurand

Write In


Shall East Boone Township Levy An Additional Tax Rate Of $0.3494 On Each $100.00 Assessed Valuation For A Period Of Four Years?



West Boone Township

For Trustee. Vote For One.

Dave Lemke

Write In

For Board Members. Vote For Two.

Mike Sanders

Write In

For Clerk. Vote For One.

John Dean

Write In


Shall West Boone Township Levy An Additional Tax Rate Of $0.35 On Each $100.00 Assessed Valuation for a period of four years?



Shawnee Township

For Trustee. Vote For One.

Wesley Merritt

Write In

For Board Members. Vote For Two.

Lonny Duckworth

Dillion Franklin

Write In

For Clerk. Vote For One.

Abby Salazar

Write In


Shall Shawnee Township Levy An Additional Tax Rate Of $0.3609 On Each $100.00 Assessed Valuation For A Period Of Four Years?



Spruce Township

For Trustee. Vote For One.

Paul Wainscott

Write In

For Board Members. Vote For Two.

Frank Inglis

Write In

For Clerk. Vote For One.

Susan Doty

Write In


Shall Spruce Township Levy An Additional Tax Rate Of $0.35 On Each $100.00 Assessed Valuation For A Period Of Four Years?



Deepwater Township

For Trustee. Vote For One.

Dave Koch

Write In

For Board Members. Vote For Two.

George Callahan

Chris Rotert

Write In

For Clerk. Vote For One.

Kathy Knox

Write In


Shall Deepwater Township Levy An Additional Tax Rate Of $0.3520 On Each $100.00 Assessed Valuation For A Period Of Four Years?



Summit Township

For Trustee. Vote For One.

Steve Lewis

Write In

For Board Members. Vote For Two.

Bryon Cook

Dirk Diehl

Write In

For Clerk. Vote For One.

Damon Noe

Write In


Shall Summit Township Levy An Additional $0.3537 On Each $100.00 Assessed Valuation For A Period Of Four Years?



Walnut Township

For Trustee. Vote For One.

Jonathan Laughlin

Taylar Hough

Write In

For Board Members. Vote For Two.

Joshua Rushing

Steven Spencer

Write In

For Clerk. Vote For One.

Donald Trelease

Write In

New Home Township

For Trustee. Vote For One.

Tim Champlin

Write In

For Board Members. Vote For Two.

Jim Heathman

Write In

For Clerk. Vote For One.

Lacy Laning

Write In

Lone Oak Township

For Trustee. Vote For One.

Hunter Watson

Write in

For Board Members. Vote For Two.

Elliott Smalley

Write In

For Clerk. Vote For One.

Jalyn Watson

Write In

Pleasant Gap Township

For Trustee. Vote For One.

August Dean Fischer

Write In

For Board Members. Vote For Two.

Kellen Fischer

Belinda Schapeler

Write In

For Clerk. Vote For One.

Kathie D. Fischer

Write In


Shall Pleasant Gap Township Levy An Additional Tax Rate Of $0.3522 On Each $100.00 Assessed Valuation For A Period Of Four Years?



Osage Township

For Trustee. Vote For One.

Leonard Tourtillott

Write In

For Board Members. Vote For Two.

Mark Yohe

Kenneth Kassner

Write In

For Clerk. Vote For One.

Write In

Howard Township

For Trustee. Vote For One.

Cole Campell

Write In

For Board Members. Vote For Two.

Gary E. Franklin

Thomas H. Sutcliffe

Write In

For Clerk. Vote For One.

Write In

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