Thursday, April 13, 2023

Some people go through a difficult time in life and they allow it to bloom into something beautiful?

You know how some people go through a difficult time in life and they allow it to bloom into something beautiful? That's what you're seeing here.

After she went through treatments for colon cancer in 2016, Laura Fitzpatrick Piland started putting together gift bags for other patients that she knew would help them through the treatment stage.

Now called Blessing Bags, Laura collects donated items and donations in March, Colorectal Cancer month, and distributes them to hospitals in our region.

Yesterday she personally delivered Blessing Bags to our Outpatient Specialty Clinic where they will be given to oncology patients receiving cancer care here at BCMH. 

Laura is pictured here with several OPC nurses in the infusion room where Laura received treatments years ago. Thank you, Laura, for continuing this fight!

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