Good day of wrestling for the Adrian Junior Wrestling Team in Diamond today against some tough competition!
Corbin Russel - 0-3
Kasen Ackerman - 2-1
Johnathon Mcquillen - 1-2
Aiden Pasteur - 0-4
Hunter Bridges - 1-2
Kale Oates - 1-2
Gavin Yelton - 3-0
Koda Highfill - 3-0
Blain Trickey - 0-2
Sebastian Dougan - 1-1
Blake Pierce - 0-3
Easton Thurman - 0-2
Will Trotter - 2-1
Chaz Davis - 2-0
Danika Keyton 2-1
Abigail Patterson - 3-0
Macy Schipper - 3-1
Rona Shelton - 4-0
Corbin Russel - 0-3
Kasen Ackerman - 2-1
Johnathon Mcquillen - 1-2
Aiden Pasteur - 0-4
Hunter Bridges - 1-2
Kale Oates - 1-2
Gavin Yelton - 3-0
Koda Highfill - 3-0
Blain Trickey - 0-2
Sebastian Dougan - 1-1
Blake Pierce - 0-3
Easton Thurman - 0-2
Will Trotter - 2-1
Chaz Davis - 2-0
Danika Keyton 2-1
Abigail Patterson - 3-0
Macy Schipper - 3-1
Rona Shelton - 4-0
The Junior High Blackhawks will be back in action Monday at Eldorado Springs.