Thursday, July 29, 2010

Getting ready for the Amsterdam Jubilee

AMSTERDAM JUBILEE COMMITTEE is selling advertising for the back of the Amsterdam Jubilee t-shirts for $25.00 a spot. CALL Tammy McLanahan 660-267-3638 or Coco Perrymann 620-224-4868 if you are interested in a spot.  It is a great way to advertise your business. 

If you want to have a booth, they are $10.00 a booth & $25.00 for electric booth, CALL Jenny Yanonis at 660-267-3144.

There will be a BBQ cook off, it is $10.00 to enter and the categories are pork, beef & chicken. If you are interested, CALL Garry Perrymann at 620-224-1021 for information. 

Don't forget that the Amsterdam Jubilee is the fourth Saturday in September. Bring the family "Down on Main Street" in September!! Thank you, Amsterdam Jubilee Committee.


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