As temps remain hot, so are the campaigns between local candidates for various positions. For the Associate Circuit Judge spot Democrat Debra Hopkins faces Republican Diana Dee Thomas while three people vie for Presiding Commissioner; Donna Gregory and Donald Cole (both Democrat) and Republican J. Douglas Lawrence. For County Clerk Marlene Wainscott and Matthew Vandenburg, both Democrat are on the ballot.
Uncontested local races include Clerk of the Circuit Court Diana Rich; Recorder of Deeds Lucille Mundey and Prosecuting Attorney Hugh C. Jenkins; all three Democrat.
On the State level, State Representative for the 120th District Democrat Zachariah Maggi is up against Republican Scott Largent. State Representative for the 125th District is uncontested with Barney Fisher, Republican, on the ticket.
Mount Pleasant Township voters will decide if a special road tax levy shall be imposed of $0.2000 on the $100 valuation for four years.
Missouri has made national news headlines as voters will decide if the Government will have the authority to penalize citizens for not purchasing national health care insurance. Read the Proposition C verbiage on the ballot by clicking here.
Bates County Live will be providing election return information as it happens next Tuesday. Get out and vote!