Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Hume Fair schedule - "Let Freedom Ring"

There's plenty left to see and do at the 68th annual Hume Fair:

6:30 pm - Kiddie Pedal Pull at the arena - ages 4 through 13
8:00 pm - Hume Olympics at the arena - 18 and older

A full day Friday:
7:30 am to 10:30 Entries for Fair at the Legion Building
9:00 am - Kids games and activities at the city park
10:00 am till noon - Legion Hall closed for judging
4:00 pm - Pet contest at the city park
5:30 till 6:00 pm - Registration for talent show
6:00 pm - Talent show at the band stand
8:00 pm - Rodeo

More Saturday:
8:00 till 8:30 am - Registration for baby contest and swimsuit contest
8:30 am - Baby contest (diaper only) 0 to 23 months; Swimsuit contest to follow; Boys and girls divisions 2, 3 and 4 years old.
9:00 am - Horseshoe pitching contest, southwest corner of the park
10:00 to 10:45 am - Parade line up at the Methodist Church parking lot
11:00 am - Parade
11:30 am to 12:30 pm - Car show registration, northeast corner of the square
12:30 pm to 1:00 pm - Washer tournament sign ups
12:30 pm till 4:00 pm - Opry House Theatre Performers of El Dorado Springs, MO
1:00 pm - Garden tractor pull, west side of arena
2:00 pm - Prince and Princess crowning
3:00 pm - Prize drawings
8:00 pm - Rodeo and Queen crowning 
After the rodeo -  Street dance by Paragon

Booth space is available for vendors call 660-643-7637

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