Antique tractor and engine enthusiasts from all around the area are getting ready for the16th Annual Antique Engine and Tractor Show September 10, 11, & 12 in Ottawa, KS. This year's event will be held in shady Forest Park and will be featuring Ford tractors and Cushman engines. Along with the show, this year's activities will also include a ladies Shoe Throw and Skillet Toss; Kiddie Tractor Pull; a large auction of items donated by area businesses and the honorary Parade of Power around the park.
Vistiors may also see rope making, attend the craft show and flea market, garden tractor pull and more. Of course a wide variety of good food will be available on the grounds.
Attendees may also register to win a nicely restored Ford 8N tractor. For more information visit the power of the past web site.