Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Bates County 4-H Council Elects New Officers

The Bates County 4-H Council met on September 13, 2010, at 7:00 p.m. in the Community 1st Bank basement.  Vice-president Alex Jenkins called the meeting to order and then handed the meeting over to President Ben Brown upon his arrival. Ben proceeded with the meeting by asking for the leading of pledges by Casi Smith of the Hudson Hustlers and John Tarvin of the Summit Go-Getters 4-H’s.  Songs were led by Allison Jenkins and David Warfield, Jr. of the Summit Go-Getters 4-H.  Secretary, Taylor Fischer of the Hudson Hustlers called the role with 5 clubs answering with a total of 23 present.  Alan Mundey, 4-H Youth Specialist, was also present.  President Ben Brown went through the agenda touching on the various state contests and events that have been happening within the last several weeks. New business included discussion of an event taking place at the Butler Family Center on Saturday, October 16th. They are asking for displays about what 4-H is about. The Senior Center is looking for a group to tend their summer garden. A discussion was held, but the topic died due to lack of a motion.  National 4-H week is coming up October 3 – 9 and we discussed the need for window displays in area businesses.  A reminder was given on the upcoming deadline for newspaper articles, trip and award applications.  Our annual 4-H award celebration will be Sunday, November 7th at the First Christian Church in Butler.  Alan Mundey, Youth Specialist, presented a wonderful slide show set to music of pictures he had taken through-out the year.  Next the election of officers was held.  Officers for the 2010 / 2011 4-H year will be: Co-Adult Presidents Myra Colin and Sherry Warfield; Junior President, Alex Jenkins; Junior Vice-President, Taylor Fischer; Secretary, Reba Colin; Treasurer, Allison Jenkins; Reporter, Blake Doody; and Song Leaders, Casi Smith and Ben Brown.  The new officers took their place. The next meeting of the Bates County 4-H Council will be held on Monday, January 10, 2010, 7:00 p.m. in the Community 1st Bank Basement.  

Photo-Bates County 4-H Council officers are (front row from left to right): Blake Doody, Reporter; Sherry Warfield, Adult Co-President; Casi Smith, Co-Song Leader; Allison Jenkins, Treasurer; (back row from left): Alex Jenkins, President; Reba Colin, Secretary; Taylor Fischer, Vice-President; Ben Brown, Co-Song Leader; and Myra Colin, Co-Adult President.

Courtesy of Blake Doody, Reporter

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