Comedienne Lizzy Lou (Beth Irvin) will be at the Immanuel Baptist Church for a one night performance on Friday, October 1st and is sponsored by Bates County Celebrate Recovery. Lizzy uses her comedy to illustrate the amazing transformation that takes place in your heart and soul when you allow Jesus into your everyday life. Celebrate Recovery teaches that transformation is crucial to permanent recovery. Come and learn more while being entertained by Lizzy Lou. The program starts at 6:30 pm at the Immanuel Baptist Church located at 801 W Dakota in Butler.
Celebrate Recovery is for anyone recovering from alcohol, drugs, abuse, etc. and meets every Friday night at 6:30-9:30 pm at Immanuel. The evening includes worship, Bible Study, small groups and fellowship. The lessons are based upon the Beatitudes taught by Jesus in the gospel of Matthew.