Saturday, September 25, 2010

For the first time, ballots will be sent by secure e-mail

- Absentee ballots for the November 2, 2010 General Election are available to military and overseas voters today, and, for the first time, voters may choose to receive their ballot by secure e-mail. The Missouri Elections Division is urging military and overseas voters to request their absentee ballot immediately to ensure they will be able to participate in the upcoming election.

In past elections, mailing a ballot overseas could take up to 18 days, making it difficult for voters to return their ballot by Election Day. Now, voters can decide how to receive their ballot, which may be sent by mail, e-mail, or fax. After voting, a new tracking system will allow voters to confirm that their ballot was received by their local election authority in Missouri.

The new voting options will make voting faster and more convenient for more than 112,000 Missourians; including those living overseas, the men and women serving in the military, and their family members.
The improvements to the military and overseas voting process are due to changes in state and federal law. In Missouri, the proposed improvements received broad, bipartisan support and were approved unanimously by the Missouri General Assembly as part of House Bill 1524 and 2206. Other improvements in place for 2010 include free expedited mail for military voters, and expanded availability of electronic forms such as voter registration applications and absentee ballot applications.

To register to vote, request an absentee ballot, or learn more about military and overseas voting in Missouri, visit

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