A lot of folks don't know that a big part of Bates County's history originates in the Papinville area and in a few weeks, you'll have a chance to learn more about it. The Annual Papinville Picnic is slated for September 25th with a full afternoon of activities starting around 1:30 pm. Peggy Buhr of the Bates County Museum will be presenting a talk on Harmony Mission, another historical area located near of Rich Hill. Besides great fellowship, you'll have a chance to tour the restored school house, museum, shelter house and see the band stand.
The annual Papinville Picnic is a primary fund raising event and is done to help preserve Bates County history; plan on bringing your family for a fun filled, educational afternoon.
Read more information about Harmony Mission here
The annual Papinville Picnic is a primary fund raising event and is done to help preserve Bates County history; plan on bringing your family for a fun filled, educational afternoon.
Read more information about Harmony Mission here