Tuesday, October 5, 2010

3rd Annual Civil War Heritage Day: Civil War Embalmers

The Bates County Museum will present the final program of the season on Saturday, October 16, 2010 at 10:30 am in Robertson Hall.  Celebrating the 3rd Annual Civil War Heritage Day event, the presentation will be a first-person portrayal of, “William Bunnell, Gettysburg Embalmer,” as presented by Mr. Lee Ward.
Lee worked as a Funeral Director and Embalmer for 45 years and owned funeral homes in Chilhowee and Urich for many of those years.  He owns and maintains a private museum dedicated to the Civil War and funeral merchandise.  The author of two books on the Civil War, his latest is entitled, “Coffins, Kits, and More:  Stories of the Civil War Embalmer.”  
Of more than 50,000 books written on the Civil War, this is the only book specifically written on the subject of embalming.
Of the many aspects of the Civil War era that can be studied, battlefield embalming is one of the most interesting stories.  Embalming insurance was sold to families and soldiers to ensure their loved one would be able to be transported and buried at home.  In his portrayal, Lee shares this most unusual story that was the beginning of a now common practice.
A free will offering dinner of Soup & Ham ‘n Beans will be served following the program.  Please plan to attend this intriguing program and learn something new about our Civil War Heritage.  Call the Museum for further information.  660-679-0134

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