Thursday, December 23, 2010

Adrian Police weekly report

Dec. 14th - Traffic stop at First and McColloh, warning for excessive speed.

Dec. 15th - Bates street, prowler reported, nothing found; assisted Adrian Fire Department on rollover accident on West 18 Highway.

Dec. 16th - Assisted with rollover accident on 71 Highway involving two vehicles and multiple injuries; assisted Adrian Fire Department with grass fire on Third street; check well being on Virginia street; traffic stop at Business 71 and Main, warning for expired plates.

Dec 17th - Traffic stop at Eighth and Kentucky, citation issued for no proof of insurance and failure to secure child in car seat; Main and Business 71, warning for defective equipment; Main and Cemetery Road, warning issued for defective equipment.

Dec. 18th - Business 71 and Main street, citation for excessive speed; Eighth and Bates, warning for excessive speed; Eighth and Edith, warning for failure to use turn signal.

Dec. 19th - Assisted Family Services on Second street; investigated verbal dispute on Ada street; Assisted Adrian Fire Department with fire in kitchen on Second street..

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