Thursday, January 13, 2011

Senator David Pearce Named Chair of Committee on Education

Senator David Pearce, R-Warrensburg, was reappointed today as chair of the Senate Standing Committee on Education by Senate President Pro Tem Robert N. Mayer, R-Dexter.
“This is a wonderful opportunity to continue to serve as chair of the Senate Education Committee. Education is the benchmark by which our state’s future is determined, and it is important to me to be involved with that work,” Sen. Pearce said. “It was an honor to serve as Education chair last year and I look forward to continuing our hard work this year.”
The duties of the Committee on Education include the consideration of and reporting on all bill and issues that relate to education, including public schools, libraries, programs, and institutions of higher learning.
“I reappointed Sen. Pearce to continue to lead our state’s efforts when it comes to education,” Sen. Mayer said. “He takes his role and commitment to education very seriously and is ready to make sure funding follows the students, help enhance post-high school educational opportunities for students and follow through on goals set for where education should be in the year 2020.”
Senator Pearce’s other committee assignments include: Appropriations; Financial and Governmental Organizations and Elections; Veterans' Affairs, Emerging Issues, Pensions and Urban Affairs; and chair of the Joint Committee on Education.
Legislators’ work on these committees will begin as early as next week.

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