Wednesday, March 30, 2011

BHS Problem Solving Team places 2nd in Columbia

Congratulations to the Butler High School Senior Future Problem Solving Team who placed 2nd in Team Writing at State in Columbia and 3rd in Skit Performance.

Those involved were: Ariel Blaser, Natoshia Minor, Nickie Bartels, and Michael Keener on the writing team; those four and Robert Branson, Brooke Rees and Kelsey McGuire for their skit performance.

Robert Branson also went to State as an Individual Writer, completing the packet by himself. He is the first person that has earned the honor of attending State as an Individual writer from Butler. He placed 2nd in his competition.

As Pictured left to right:  Front Row - Michael Keener, Robert Branson
Back Row  - Nickie Bartels, Brooke Rees, Kelsey McGuire, 
Natoshia Minor, Ariel Blaser

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