Tuesday, March 29, 2011

More local news video coming soon...

From the beginning, one of our goals at Bates County Live has been to serve the community with video coverage of big local events so folks who otherwise couldn't attend would have a chance to see what they missed. As we ramp up efforts to expand our video news, we have added a new page called 'BCtv' (Bates County TV) which can be found by clicking the BCtv button at the top of our home page.

While primarily the video coverage will include more public events such as 4th of July celebrations, parades, sports highlights and more, we have had a considerable number of people asking if we can do video coverage of city council and school board meetings as well. On that, the short answer is it depends. It depends on whether or not we can get permission to do so, plus there other other details to work out- in the meantime, we're working on it and will keep you updated.

At any rate, check the BCtv page regularly- as Spring events begin to happen, we'll be there to cover as much as possible.

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