Monday, March 7, 2011

Statewide tornado drill postponed until Thursday

Missouri's statewide tornado drill originally set for tomorrow (March 8th) has been postponed until Thursday due to rain in the forecast for tomorrow. The tornado drill will now be Thursday, March 10 at 1:30 p.m.
The drill is part of Missouri 2011 Severe Weather Awareness week, which runs from through this Friday.
Missouri experienced 65 tornadoes in 2010, including multiple tornadoes on Dec. 31, which were responsible for five deaths and 13 injuries, according to the National Weather Service.  Four of the five people killed were in mobile homes when the tornadoes struck.
According to the Missouri Department of Public Safety, once Missourians hear broadcast drill messages or outdoor warning sirens, they should practice seeking shelter. The safest shelter location is an interior room without windows in the lowest level of a building. Other safe locations for businesses and schools include basements, hallways, underneath staircases and designated tornado safe rooms. The drill is complete once everyone is accounted for in the designated shelters.
The Missouri Department of Public Safety offers these tips during a tornado drill:
  • Tornado Watch means tornadoes are possible. Remain alert for approaching storms. Watch the sky and stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio, commercial radio, or television for information.
  • Tornado Warning means a tornado has been sighted or indicated by weather radar. Take shelter immediately.
  • An interior room without windows on the lowest floor is the safest shelter location.
  • Do not seek shelter in a cafeteria, gymnasium or other large open room because the roof might collapse. 
  • Immediately leave a mobile home to seek shelter in a nearby building. 
  • If you are driving, you should stop and take shelter in a nearby building.
    • Overpasses are not safe. An overpass' under-the-girder-type construction can cause a dangerous wind tunnel effect. In some cases bridges have collapsed, killing and injuring those who are seeking shelter underneath them.
    • If you are driving in a rural area and spot a tornado, driving away from the tornado's path may be the safest option if the tornado is far away. If the tornado is bearing down on you, stop your vehicle off the traveled section of the roadway and seek a sturdy shelter or lie flat in a ditch or other low spot. If you are outside, remember to cover your head with your arms, a coat or blanket to protect yourself from flying debris. Be prepared to move quickly in case the ditch fills with water. Also, remember that stopping near the roadway increases the chance of being struck by other motorists—so be alert and exercise caution.
    • Never drive into standing water. It can take less than six inches of fast moving water to sweep a vehicle into a river or creek. If your vehicle does become stuck in rising water, get out quickly and move to higher ground. Always heed signs that warn of flash flooding.

courtesy of the National Weather Service, Kansas City Mo.

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