Thursday, April 14, 2011

Bates County Live to celebrate 1 year anniversary June 28

To be precise we marked the beginning of Bates County Live at 6:54 p.m. on June 28th, 2010 when we posted our very first news story. A lot has happened since then- we've made a lot of new friends, learned a lot about our community and the number of those reading BCL grows every day.

Providing an up to the minute news service can be very demanding, but make no mistake, we enjoy what we do. Our initial goal was to simply provide news as it happens but that's grown into many other things such as the County Wide Calendar for example. Over time, we would like to add everything of significance in our community to the calendar such as council meetings, school board meetings, township and water board meetings, religious activities and more.

Our next goal is to provide more video news whenever possible. We feel that you should be able to watch video of big local news just as you do on television. Likewise, we are looking into streaming audio and video over the internet so those unable to attend can get play by play action of local ball games and other events. There's a lot of technical hoopla involved but we're hoping to be streaming by this fall.

Allrighty, enough chit chat. Most importantly we want to thank all those of you who read BCL and tell your friends about us. We encourage you to send us your news/calendar events no matter how insignificant you think it might be- attach photos if you like and we'll give you credit for the submission.

One more time- thanks again from Bates County Live.

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