Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Butler Police Department weekly report

April 5 - Officers respond to the Flaming Lantern on a report of a child locked in a vehicle; suspicious person call at 411 Fran; 400 W. College, trespassing call; 400 block of South Mechanic, dogs running loose; theft report in the 400 block of North Water street.

April 6th - Disturbance call in the 300 block of West Ohio; traffic problems in the 400 block of South Fulton; suspicious vehicle at Casey's on Business 71 highway.

April 7th - Officers take a vandalism report in the 100 block of East Ohio street; investigated kids throwing trash in street in the 300 block of South Main; alarm call at Butler Elementary school.

April 8th - Subject caught breaking to in coin machine at My Car Wash. Subject apprehended at High and Fort Scott streets; keep the peace call on South Willow; child custody dispute on South Havana; animal at large call in the 400 block of South Mechanic; careless and imprudent driving call in the 100 block of South Havana.

April 9th - Subject requested animal control for snake; assault call at Boy Scout Park; possible prowler in the 500 block of West Nursery; suspicious vehicle on N. Business 71; possible stolen vehicle at Walmart; alarm call at Taco Bell; 911 hang up in the 300 block of North Orange; alarm call at Community First Bank; someone on roof on buildings on the square; abandoned vehicle at Nursery and Business 71; juvenile call in the 700 block of North Maple.

April 10th - Officers respond to What to Wear on alarm call; illegal dumping report taken; animal call in the 300 block of West Ohio; keep the peace call in the 300 block of N. Prospect; juveniles fighting at Fran Apartments; keep the peace at Super 8; animal call in the 400 block of North Fulton; report of a fight at Butler High School.

April 11th - Officers respond to 400 block of West St. animal control call; dog call at High School; arrested driver for driving while suspended at Havana and Fort Scott; theft report at Walmart; arrest subject for shoplifting at Walmart; animal control complaint in the 500 block of W. College; panic alarm at Citizen's Bank; vandalism report in the 400 block of West Pine; medical assist in the 800 block of West Dakota; alarm call at the post office; 911 call in the 500 block of N. Main street.

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