Friday, April 1, 2011

Miami FCCLA student tops in state scoring

Jaclyn Crawford
Miami Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) had three students, Makayla Fuqua, Samantha Sendejas and Jaclyn Crawford attend the FCCLA State Leadership Conference in Columbia on March 27-29. While attending the conference, Jaclyn Crawford competed in the STAR Events category of Recycle and Redesign. Jaclyn had to follow a rigorous rubric and provide a presentation of up to ten minutes in length, including specific visuals, to a panel of judges. Jaclyn finished extremely well receiving the highest score in the state, allowing her the opportunity to compete at the national level.

This year’s National FCCLA Leadership Conference is being held in Anaheim, California during the second week of July. Jaclyn is currently working on raising the funds that will allow for her to take part in this awesome leadership experience. If you are interested in making a contribution to support this trip please email the Miami FCCLA advisor, Erin Straw at
Miami attendees at the FCCLA State
Leadership Conference in Columbia, Mo.

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