Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Job fair in Butler on July 6th

On My Own, Inc. will be holding a job fair for attendant services, which is the title for employees that assist the elderly with daily duties, such as running errands, doing household cleaning, doing daily responsibilities that the elderly can no longer do for themselves, but are capable of still living at home. 

The Job fair will be held in Bates County, Wednesday, July 6 at the Bates County Health Department, 501 N. Orange, 1:30-3:30 pm. Please apply in person during the job fair hours. 

For more information please contact Carol Stroud at On My Own, Inc. 1-800-362-8852. The job fair for accepting “ attendant service employees” will be held Wednesday July 6th at the Bates County Health department in Butler from 1:30 to 3:30. You do not need a CNA license to apply for the position.

The attendants can not transport or distribute medication

-courtesy FM 92.1 The Bullet

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