Monday, July 18, 2011

Bates County Robotics to meet August 2nd

After a successful Bates County Fair outreach, Bates County Robotics will hold an organizational meeting Tuesday, August 2, at 7:00 p.m. at the Adrian Optimist Building.  Both youth and adults are encouraged to attend.  Although learning about and building robots is the focus of the organization, the sole purpose of this meeting will be to organize the club which will be the hub of the continuing work started with the Robotics Camp held back in June.  Working under the auspices of Gear Tech 21, a Nebraska 4-H organization tied to STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics), the nineteen youth attending the camp built robots and learned basics about geospatial technology; those youth and others will have the opportunity to increase their understanding and ability of robotics for a second--year of work. 

Many folks visited the booth at the fair, and they, as well as any others, are encouraged to join in this club building meeting.  The outcome will be a robotics club which will deal specifically with Gear Tech 21 curriculum.  The club can also serve as project source for 4-H members who wish to take the Robotics 4-H project. This meeting will help determine the make-up of the club as well as what the major emphasis will be.  With enough adult involvement, youth who join now can potentially catch-up with the campers and be involved at the second-year level.  The first year involved building robots which were programmed to run via computer and learning mapping and geospatial basics.  The second year, these robots will be operated via Bluetooth technology giving the participants a technical understanding of auto-steer systems which are an integral part of all new agricultural machines.   

Carolyn Jett helps robotics campers Duane Gaylord, Caleb Jett, and James Wood.

 -our thanks to Alan Mundey

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