Saturday, July 23, 2011

Circuit Court News July 18-22, 2011

JAMES K JOURNEY, JUDGE Diana L Rich, Clerk  JULY 18-22, 2011

Heather L Barnett v James E Barnett, Petition for Order of Protection filed. 

Becki Sue Berwald v Randy Arlen Berwald, Petition for Dissolution filed. 

Pamela Sue Turner v. Buford Alford Turner, Petition for Order of Protection filed. 

Valerie D Menego V Gary L Shropshire, Petition for Order of Protection filed.   
St v. Bobby West, Jr.,  probation revoked, failed to report to post conviction treatment program as ordered by the court, previous sentence of 4 years in MDOC is invoked. 

St v Brian Lynn Jones, probation revoked upon violation, previous sentence of Ct I: sentenced to 4 years on property damage, Ct. II: sentenced to 7 years on burglary, Ct IV: sentenced to 4 years on property damage, sentences to run concurrently with each other and the Henry County, MO sentence. 

Samantha J Miller v Kevic Miller, Dissolution of Marriage is granted. 

St v. Rosalia M Amos, Felony stealing, found guilty, sentenced to 7 years in MDOC, given SES, placed on 5 years probation, Defe. To pay $10,000 in restitution, pay court costs, to attend and successfully complete any counseling/treatment as directed, to be subject to random drug testing, random home/vehicle searches, pay court costs. 

St v. Douglas Star Ward, Felony non-support, found guilty, given SIS, placed on 5 years probation, to pay $300/mo starting Aug 1, 2011, $1,000 cash bond to be applied to child support, Defe. Shall be subject to random drug testing, shall report any change of employment, change of residence, to keep wage assignment in place. 

St v. Sarah Marie McKinney, Felony distribution of controlled substance, marijuana, found guilty, given SIS, placed on 5 years probation, to pay court costs, to pay $150 State lab fee. Defe. Shall successfully complete any counseling/treatment  as directed,  Defe. Shall be subject to random drug testing, shall not consume/possess or be on grounds where alcohol is sold/served, shall perform 200 hours of community service.

St v. Kimberly Sue Eissler, Felony possession of controlled substance, methamphetamines, found guilty, given SIS, placed on probation for 5 years, to pay court costs, to pay $150 State lab fee, Defe. Shall successfully complete any counseling/treatment as directed, shall get substance abuse treatment and aftercare, Defe. Shall be subject to random drug testing, shall not consume/possess alcoholic beverages or be upon premises where sold/served, to perform 100 hours of community service, shall spend 4 days in Bates County Jail as shock detention. 

St v. Robert Castro, Felony DWI, persistent offender,  found guilty, sentenced to 4 years in MDOC, given SES, placed on 5 years probation, to pay court costs, to successfully complete counseling/treatment as directed, to attend AA/NA, to be subject to random drug testing, shall not consume/possess alcoholic beverages or be upon premises where sold/served, to be subject to random home/vehicle searches, to perform 200 hours of community service, to spend 10 days in Bates County Jail for shock detention, to complete SATOP program and to utilize an auto interlock ignition before operating a motor vehicle. 

St v. William Joseph Mitchell, Felony possession of controlled substance, marijuana, found guilty, sentenced to 7 years in MDOC,  given SES, placed on probation for 5 years,  pay court costs, to pay $150 State lab fee, to successfully complete such counseling/treatment as directed,  to get substance abuse treatment and aftercare, to attend AA/NA, Defe. To be subject to random drug testing, random home/vehicle searches,  shall not consume/possess any alcoholic beverages or be upon premises where sold/served, to perform 200 hours of community service. 

St v. Kevin Dale Roberts, Felony DWI, persistent offender, found guilty, sentenced to 4 years in MDOC, given SES, placed on 5 years probation, sentence to run concurrently with any other sentences Defe. May receive on related cases,  to pay court costs, Defe. To successfully complete any counseling/treatment as directed, shall be subject to random drug testing, random home/vehicle searches, Defe. Shall not consume/possess any alcoholic beverages or be where sold/served, Defe. Shall perform 200 hours of community service, Defe. Shall serve 4 days in Bates County Jail as shock detention. 

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