Friday, July 22, 2011

Miami Freshman earns top spot in FCCLA program

Jaclyn Crawford may only be a freshman this year but she has already earned a top spot in the Miami R-1 FCCLA Program. On July 12, 2011 Jaclyn competed in Anaheim, California at the National FCCLA STAR Events. She was in the Recycle and Redesign Category and competed with other FCCLA students from all over the US. Jaclyn had to present her project and speech to a panel of judges in a vast ballroom at the Marriot hotel. She prepared for weeks to get her presentation down to perfection and all her hard work paid off. Jaclyn was awarded a Silver Medal on July 14th at the awards ceremony. While in California Jaclyn met other students in FCCLA and got some great ideas to bring back to her FCCLA group. Jaclyn’s goal for the upcoming year is to get all of the Miami R-1 FCCLA members to nationals which is being held in Orlando, Florida. We are all so very proud of her and are anxiously waiting to see how far she will go next year.

Article by FCCLA Sponsor Erin Straw
Jaclyn Crawford

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