Thursday, July 14, 2011

Potential savings for R-V taxpayers

Notes from the Butler R-V school board meeting

Old Business: Mike Hoover addressed the board about costs associated with the electrical hook-up to the field. The board decided to go with an underground hook-up and would send specs out to bid. The board also decided to put out to bid a sprinkler system for the track.

New Business:
L.J. Hart and Company presented to the board some possible scenarios with possible refinancing when the districts bonds become callable in the spring. The district could potentially save the tax-payers $400,000-$800,000 based on interest rates between now and the spring.
c. The board approved the elementary parent/student handbook and the teacher’s handbook.
d. The board approved a 5 cent increase on school meals based upon the new requirements of the Paid Lunch Equity Program that requires schools to raise costs a minimum of 5 cents per meal until the national costs of $2.46 per meal is obtained.
e. Alan Stauffacher spoke to the board about lighting projects that the district would need to under-take in the near future. The high school cafeteria, the Ag. Shop and weight room all need up-grades before the manufactures no longer produce the lights fitted for those fixtures. The district is also looking at occupancy lighting in key areas to cut down on electrical consumption.
f. The bid for curbing was awarded to Herrell Construction after Bullet Concrete pulled their bid. Bullet Concrete’s bid was for $5,219.20 followed by Herrell Construction at $6,228 and All in One Construction at $7,850. Bullet Concrete pulled their bid after reviewing the contract on June 20th.
g. The board approved the agreement with Missouri Health Insurance.
h. The board awarded a contract to Thera-fit for Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy services for students.
i. The board briefly reviewed the criteria for the MSBA Team Leadership Awards for Board of Education.

Closed Session.

The board hired Ronald Dunsdon for science.
The board reviewed criteria for the superintendent’s evaluation.

-courtesy FM 92 the Bullet

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