Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Bates County 4-H Council meets

The Bates County 4-H Council met on Monday, September 12, 2011. President, Alex Jenkins from the Summit Go-Getters called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Case Doody with Altona 4-H led the pledge to the American Flag and Alex Jenkins led the pledge to the 4-H Flag. Secretary, Reba Colin of the Hudson Hustlers 4-H called the roll with five clubs represented. Reba also read the minutes from the April 2011 meeting. Morgan Bradley with the Summit Go-Getters 4-H made the motion to accept the minutes as read and Case Doody made the second. Motion passed. Treasurer, Allison Jenkins with the Summit Go-Getters 4-H read the treasurer’s report. David Warfield with the Summit Go-Getters motioned to accept the treasurer’s report as read and Blake Doody with the Altona 4-H made the second. Motion passed. Reba Colin gave a report on the State Livestock Judging contest that was held September 10th in Columbia. The senior team received 4th place and the junior team received 6th place. Alex Jenkins gave a presentation on his trip to Washington DC. He had a really good time and is available to groups to give a presentation. Upcoming dates are: National 4-H Week is October 2 – 8. The theme is the Revolution of Responsibility. If your club is going to have a window display, please call the office. November 6th will the recognition celebration. New business included the election of officers for 2011/2012. The officers will be: President, Alex Jenkins with the Summit Go-Getters 4-H; Vice President, Reba Colin with the Hudson Hustlers 4-H; Secretary will be Morgan Bradley with the Summit Go-Getters 4-H; Treasurer will be Dylon Piveral with the Willing Workers 4-H; Reporter will be Blake Doody with the Altona 4-H; Song Leaders will be David Warfield, Jr. with the Summit Go-Getters 4-H and Case Doody with the Altona 4-H; Adult President will be Sherry Warfield with the Summit Go-Getters 4-H; and Adult Vice President will be Myra Colin with the Hudson Hustlers 4-H. President, Alex Jenkins, asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion was made by David Warfield, Jr. and the second was made by Case Doody. Motion passed.

-Submitted by Blake Doody, Council 4-H Council Reporter

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