Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Mark your calendar for Saturday, October 29, 2011...

The Butler R-V Future Business Leaders of America chapter, along with Angie Kauffman and Emily Swaters, is organizing a 5K walk/jog event to benefit the Sara Clarke and Logan Wells families. Both are children of Butler High School teachers. Sara is battling Ewings Sarcoma and Logan is battling Ependymoma Tumors. Start time is 10:00 AM at the flag pole in front of the Butler High School. If you would like more information or an informational flyer to put in your local business or would like to donate, please contact Angie Kauffman or Emily Swaters. You can contact either at 660-679-6121. 

 Again, that’s October 29, 2011! 10:00 AM! Registration forms are available at www.butlerr5.org

-our thanks to Angie Kauffman

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