Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Butler City Council meeting news

In Butler City Council news, Public Works Director Trent Diehl said the electric service for Walmart's new construction got finished...only to be damaged by a dirt contractor, who dug into it. Billing for repairs to the conduit, wire, pole brackets and the transformer is being sent to the contractor.

Meanwhile, other work is proceeding nicely, and the traffic signals have been installed at Highway 52 and Fran Avenue. No word yet on when the signals will be put into use.

Trent also noted that he has requested funds to replace 30 membrane filtration cartridges at the water plant, which has already been budgeted, and he said that due to the hot and dry spell we've had, the river pump has run for 20 days, but the City Lake is again full. Water is pumped from the Maris Des Cygne to City Lake, where it's held for use as needed at the plant.

The City Council has inquired about a flashing "school crosswalk" light on Mill Street, but this would have to be approved by MoDOT, since Mill is also "H" Highway, which is the state's responsibility. Also, if approved, the school district would have to enter into a contract with MoDOT regarding operation and maintenance of the equipment.

It turned out, however, that the question was moot, as the Council decided that with the cost of up to seven thousand dollars, it's more practical for the live person to continue helping children across the street, as has been done down through the years.

There was more talk about put bulls, with interested persons attending the Council meeting, but it was decided that the only thing necessary was some minor changes to Butler's present dog laws. That will be taken up again at the next council meeting.

Demolition of the structure at 313 South Main in Butler has been completed at a cost of a little over 35-hundred dollars, and Trent Diehl said about half of that was for landfill charges. The next demolition will now be done at 704 West Fort Scott Street.

However, much more is going on in Code Enforcement. Jim Wheatley had to list 20 more nuisances this past month, to go along with four others that are continuing, he has added seven to the project list, and has completed 27 nuisance addresses. It still seems that weeds and tall grass are the main culprits. Four places had to be ticketed, and court action was taken on three places.

Also, a dozen places have problems for various reasons in obeying their need to get off the nuisance list, and those are still on tap. Total fines imposed so far on the most recent report amounted to 247 dollars and fifty cents, and one will make payments at ten dollars per month until the fine is paid.

And the street department had some trouble finding a pipe at the intersection of Clark and Delaware Streets, where erosion has become a problem. It took some deep digging before it was located. It had been covered for years, but is now open, and may help alleviate the water problem there.

The smoke testing and televising of underground piping of Butler utilities is now complete, but it caused the Fire Department and the Public Works Department some special work. Several smoke alarm calls were received, and nearly every business on the Butler square needed smoke removal, due to the smoke entering homes and businesses.

The bid of Land Roofing of Harrisonville was accepted to do repairs at Butler City Hall and the light plant...
And Sutton Construction's bid was accepted to do the dirt work needed at the planned gun range, out by the water treatment plant. The job will include using 80 loads of fill dirt, hauled by a city crew, and will be 75 feet long and 20 feet high.

Of course this will be for the Police Department's use for training purposes, and will not be available to the public.

That's the City Council picture, and we remind that the public is welcome at any and all Council meetings...the first and third Tuesdays of each p.m. at Butler City Hall.

-courtesy FM 92.1 the Bullet

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