Judge Debra Hopkins gave a short but sweet explanation to the crowd about the who, what and why Adult Recovery Court is making a difference to all citizens in Bates County by returning former non violent drug offenders to society. Adult Recovery Court statistics show that 87% of the graduates of the program stay clean, sober and are productive citizens. Long story short, the intense supervision provided by the program works and saves tax payer dollars. Recovery Court candidates must sign a contract that stipulates that they must attend Court weekly, be subject to random searches, be drug tested 3 times weekly, attend school, be employed or do 20 community service per week. Candidates also must attend treatment meetings 3 times weekly. Trackers assure all candidates are home and in bed by curfew every night. There are 4 phases to the program and it takes a bare bones minimum of 18 months to complete the Adult Recovery curriculum.
Another brown bag lunch is scheduled later this month.