Reminder that fire danger will be elevated through at least Wednesday. Temperatures will be high and the relative humidity will fall below 30% during the day. No burning permits are being issued in the City of Butler. If you live in an area where you can burn, it is discouraged to do so. Also, we will conduct the monthly test of the outdoor warning sirens this Wed., Oct. 5 at 10:00 A.M.
Bates County Live also spoke with Adrian Fire Chief Gary Dizney, who wholeheartedly agrees that burning should be avoided completely until after we get some rainfall. As winds pick up during the day, even a small spark will easily ignite the already dry grass and foliage causing a fire that can quickly damage or destroy structures as well.
Don't forget Fire Prevention Week is Oct. 9-15...
Our forecast calls for a 30% change of rain through the weekend. Let's keep our fingers crossed!