BCMH Auxiliary Garage Sale- All day, from lobby of hospital
Brown Bag Luncheon for Bates County Recovery Court
Miami King and Queen Homecoming Candidates to be crowned during volleyball games this evening
Adrian Homecoming- Football 7 p.m. Parade 2 p.m.
Butler Homecoming-Football 7 p.m. Parade 2 p.m.
Drexel Homecoming- Football 7 p.m.
Chili cookoff at Immanuel Baptist Church- for info call Barbara at 660-679-4212
Fall Car Show in lot next to Butler Detail Shop 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Civil War Heritage Day with Jeremy Neeley at the Bates County Museum starting at 10 a.m.
Senior Center Fall Festival at the Bates County Fairgrounds Youth Building
Adrian Elks Car Show starts at 9 a.m.
Check our community calendar for additional info. If we've missed something, drop us an email at