The kids met last Saturday under the direction of Jo Ellen Hawks and helpers to decorate cupcakes for the Christmas program. Sunday morning we were blessed with Bernard Streeter filling the pulpit with a wonderful message. The Christmas program presented on Sunday evening was called the "Tear-able Christmas" written by Donieta Davis. Michael Harris was the Narrator and the cast from the host of little Angels, those on the wagon training to the "83" year old Grandpa Larry Berry did a great job. Katie Laughlin signed Silent Night accompanied by Jo Ellen Hawks on the Dulcimer and Melanie Byrd played a beautiful guitar solo. We appreciate all those who helped with the program putting in their time and talent.
News from the Hume Christian Church
Approximately 30 singers ranging from 5th grade through adults from the Hume Christian Church went Christmas caroling Sunday evening to folks in the Hume community. They were out about 3 hours and ended at the Steve Yarick home for refreshments and Christmas goodies.
Yancey Yarick, who is home on furlough from Tanzania, Africa preached the morning sermon at the Hume Christian Church this past Sunday. Yancey will be back to share about the work he and his wife Sheila are involved in this spring. The Hume Christian Church will let it be known when that Sunday will be.
Many of the adults and youth have been working very hard on "THE SURPRISING CHRISTMAS PAGENT" to be presented on December 18 at 6:30 p.m. The public is invited to join them .
Lena Norbury is once again directing this years musical and play. The Hume Christian Church is still accepting food items to be delivered to families during the week of Christmas. If you have any questions you may contact the church office at 660-643-7448.
This year, the church had a door decorating contest for each of the SundaySchool classes. This year's winner was the Builders Class taught by Lance Sears.
Santa Claus will be stopping by Hume on Saturday, December 17 from 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Hume Community Center on the West side of the Square.
-courtesy FM 92 the Bullet