Wednesday, December 7, 2011

So what can you get for just $5?

A footlong sandwich.... OR lot's of exposure with your Heartland Trader classified ad!

Here's what you get for one Lincoln:

1. Up to 500 characters (100 to 130 words average)
2. Two photos up to 500k in size each
3. A link to your email or web site
4. Classified ads rotate in banner at the bottom of BCL news stories
5. All classifieds appear in scroll bar on the BCL home page
6. Ads run for 30 days and can be canceled or modified any time 

Is that all?

Nope. The classifieds also appear on our mirror site plus we feature a random ad daily on our facebook page.

Surely thats all you get!

Nope. Readers can subscribe to Classified ads that are delivered by email or appear in an RSS feed on their browser home page which greatly enhances exposure.

Basically, your classified ad is thrown all over the internet....just like the ones shown below!

Ready to get started? Go to the web site and click on Place Ad to get your ad on line now!

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