The Altona 4-H met on Wednesday, January 11, 2012, at the Altona Community Hall. President, Catie Welliver, called the meeting to order and led us in the pledges to the American and 4-H flags. Jennifer Willerton called the roll and there were 32 members present and 17 adults. Jennifer also read last month’s minutes. Cameron Tallman gave the treasure’s report. Project groups: Melissa Lowe told us that beef weigh in will be Sunday, March 4th at the fairgrounds. Todd Frankenfield went over the list of projects one last time to remind everyone what they are enrolled in. All changes must be made by January 15th. The hams project has started. Old business: Our 4-H club owes the County 4-H Council our yearly dues. Jessica Willerton made a motion to pay our dues and Case Doody issued the second. Each officer in the club read a thank you note given by area residents that received goody trays from our December project. New business: Raymond Lowe talked about changes coming to the beef barns at the fairgrounds. He will contact everyone when the fair board is going to have a work day on the barns; they will need lots of help. Also, there will be a practice steer & heifer show the day of the weigh-in (March 4th). We also decided to have a bowling party for our February meeting. Bryce Oates will check days and times and let the club know when the party will be. Meeting adjourned.
Submitted by: Case Doody, reporter