The Goat Forum is a meat goat and dairy goat conference with a program of industry leaders, which will provide excellent and timely information. The morning session will kick off with Dr. Steve Hart, Goat Extension Specialist from Langston University (Oklahoma) speaking on “Managing Your Goats for Profit”. Dr. Hart will provide management tips on making money with your goat operation. Dr. Charlotte Clifford-Rathert, Lincoln University Small Ruminant Extension Specialist, will provide a program on “Kidding Obstetrics (How to Assist)”.
The afternoon session is devoted the dairy goat. Don Falls, Missouri Department of Agriculture Dairy Manufacturing Program Director, will provide an informative talk on “Marketing Fresh Milk”. “Managing the Lactating Doe”, will be discussed by Dr. Jodie Pennington, Lincoln University Small Ruminant Educator.
The sponsors for the program are University of Missouri Extension – Cass County, Lincoln University Small Farm Outreach Program and Beacon of Hope Church. The cost to attend the program is $25/person, which can be paid at the door.
Please consider attending the West Central Missouri Goat Forum. With today’s ever-changing agriculture, keeping abreast of new technology and information becomes more important. Please RSVP with your Cass County Extension Office at 816-380-8460 in order to ensure an accurate headcount for materials and lunch. We look forward to seeing you on February 28th.