Monday, May 7, 2012

And the survey says...

Butler R-V school officials have tabulated results from a recent survey of district parents, and are pleased to announce that the results are overwhelmingly positive.

The district asked parents to fill out the survey using a third party web service called In order to maximize the number of surveys completed, the schools provided computer access during spring parent/teacher conferences.

May 7, 2012

The survey consisted of 32 items. The first seven items were demographic questions and were used for district administrators to be able to identify which building the parents had children while still maintaining survey anonymity. Questions 8-30 asked parents to respond to an affirmative statement about the school, the community, their child, and their own parenting. These questions used the following scale
  • 1=strongly disagree
  • 2=disagree
  • 3=neutral
  • 4=agree
  • 5=strongly agree.

The last two questions were open ended, and asked those surveyed to type responses to comment on the school district’s strengths and weaknesses.

Parents gave, on average, high marks in all responses, with every statement except one averaging over a 4 (agree). Topping the list were the following statements:

  • I support my child’s learning at home. (4.66)
  • I feel good about myself as a parent. (4.63)
  • I feel welcome at my child’s school. (4.45)
  • I like the school’s report cards/progress report. (4.45)
  • I respect the school’s teachers. (4.42)

Though still on the higher side, the five lowest statements were:

  • Students show respect for other students (3.71)
  • The school has a good public image. (4.03)
  • The school meets the social need of all students (4.11)
  • My child’s teacher helps me to help my child learn at home (4.11)
  • The school’s assessment practices are fair. (4.12)

Upon seeing the survey results, Superintendent of Schools Alan Stauffacher said, “The teachers and staff of the Butler R-V School District continue to make progress in meeting the needs of students. We still have areas needing improvement, but this survey shows that parents are happy with the education their children are receiving.”

District administrators plan on using the same survey in subsequent years to track changes over time.  

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