Monday, June 25, 2012

4-H'ers on target despite the heat...

It was a hot day for the Bates County 4-H Archery Project’s County Shoot on Sunday, June 24. 19 Archers from ages 8 to 18 shot 12 rounds in the heat to qualify for the State Competition in September. This year’s winners were: Junior – Luke Wiley, V-52 4-H Club; Intermediate – Ella Armentrout, County Line 4-H Club; Senior – Geoffrey Algiere, Summit Go-Getters 4-H Club. Thank you to Bates Co. Office Supply for the prizes of self healing targets & a side quiver. Each division also participated in a shoot off for a hat– The winners were: Junior – Triston Trumbore, Summit Go-Getters 4-H Club; Intermediate - Megan Sutcliffe, County Line 4-H Club; Senior – Haylee Triebel, Summit Go-Getters 4-H Club.

Pictured are (1st row) Emily Shine, Levi Skocy, Luke Wiley, Lincoln Sutton, Triston Trumbore, Kate Bunch,

(2nd row) Ella Armentrout, Mark Armentrout, Erin Armentrout, Megan Sutcliffe, Matthew Coleman, Caleb Morris, Ty Underwood, Andrew Newkirk, David Warfield, Wesley Shine, Haylee Triebel.

Not pictured: Geoffrey Algiere, Blake Steuck, Derek Sutcliffe

-courtesy Carla Armentrout

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