Thursday, June 14, 2012

Altona 4H news

The members of Altona 4-H gathered on June 13, 2012, at the Altona Community Hall. President Catie Welliver called the meeting to order and led us in the pledges to the American and 4-H flags. Secretary Jennifer Willerton called the roll and there were 27 members and Clover Kids present. There were also 16 adults. Jennifer read the minutes from the May meeting. Conrad Walley motioned to approve the minutes and Case Doody issued a second. Motion passed. Treasurer Cameron Tallman read the treasurer’s report. Our Bates County Fair float committee went over their ideas of what we are going to do for our fair float. We’ll need to meet at the fairgrounds about 3:30 on July 9th to assemble everything and get ready for the parade. Project meeting groups that made announcements and reports were Shotgun, Woodworking, Clover Kids and Photography 1. Other announcements included our judging time for evaluation day and we are also supposed to help clean up the fair building on the last Friday of the fair. Todd Frankenfield made an announcement of the Cass County Fairs and had received invitations wanting people to come show their livestock. Vanessa Tallman sent around the work lists for our Antique Tractor Village fund raiser and reminded everyone that they are to bring two homemade fruit cobblers and two gallons of homemade vanilla ice cream to sell. Clint Cumpton made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Jessie Lowe seconded the motion. Club meetings will not be held the months of July and August because so many members show at different fairs. We’ll see everyone in September!

-our thanks to Case Doody, Reporter

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