Thursday, June 28, 2012

Avoid Heat-Related Illness

From Tammy Roberts, Nutrition and Health Education Specialist, Mo. Extension

Its summer and we expect it to be warm outside but when the temperature is in the upper 90s and even 100 degrees with the heat index even higher for several days in a row, the risk for heat-related illness increases. The three forms of heat-related illness include: heat cramps, heat exhaustion and heat stroke.

Heat cramps usually occur as a result of heavy sweating, usually several hours after a person has been out of the heat. The cramps can be very painful and usually affect the arms legs or abdomen. “To help prevent heat cramps, drink a fluid that has electrolytes during and after long periods of heavy sweating” said Tammy Roberts of University of Missouri Extension.

Heat exhaustion occurs when the body loses the ability to cool itself. This is usually occurs when a person has been sweating heavily and not replacing fluids and electrolytes. Symptoms of heat exhaustion include headache, dizziness, rapid heartbeat, loss of coordination, impaired judgment, anxiety, clammy skin and a weak, rapid pulse. Someone exhibiting these symptoms needs to be cooled down and drink fluids. Have them checked by a physician.

Heat stroke is the most serious heat-related illness and is life threatening. It occurs when the body has lost too much water and salt. With that loss is the body’s inability to cool itself so body heat rises to dangerous levels. Symptoms of heat stroke include: a high body temperature with no sweating, any of the above symptoms of heat exhaustion, nausea and vomiting, seizures, difficulty breathing, and high blood pressure. If you suspect someone is having a heat stroke, call 911 and try to cool the person as quickly as possible.

Anyone can suffer from a heat-related illness but the people at greatest risk are infants and young children, senior citizens, people who are obese and those who are already physically ill are more at risk.

Roberts suggests that during these times of extreme heat that people drink plenty of fluids. “Water is a great choice. Fluids with electrolytes are recommended for long periods of heavy sweating.” Roberts also suggests that if the heat is bothering you, eat small meals more often. Digesting food actually creates heat in your body.

Heat-related illness can be very serious but is avoidable. If you need to be in the heat for periods of time that put you at risk, remember shade and water are your friends.

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