Saturday, June 23, 2012

Huge crowd attends WMATAMA show on Saturday

 Even from the parking lot a steady putt-putt and whirr of engines of all types can be heard at Frontier Village in Adrian as the annual antique tractor and machinery show is officially underway for the second day.
Two different vintage Oliver tractors seen here as
Oliver/Hart-Parr is this year's featured tractor

The show makes for a good family outing as there's plenty to eat, drink, and of course you can see virtually every type of tractor and machinery from years past on display.

The evening will finish out with a tractor pull and a full schedule of activities- more information with link to the WMATAMA web site can be found HERE.

The annual show runs through tomorrow with admission only $6.

Steam engines of all sizes were
in the Parade of Power at noon

A WMATAMA TRADITION that can be heard for miles around, the anvil shoot. A dose of black powder sends
a heavy anvil skyward each hour during the show

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