Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Changes coming to Bates County Memorial Hospital

An open letter from Wendell Harris, CEO, Bates County Memorial Hospital

Healthcare is changing. It is predicted that one in three hospitals will either close, be re- organized, or be bought out by larger health systems within the next few years. Regulatory requirements imposed by the federal government are impacting the financial security and future of hospitals. Bates County Memorial Hospital has chosen to take a proactive role in its financial future by making some very difficult and painful decisions in its operations. Our commitment to this community and the patients we serve is demonstrated by. . .

• ensuring that healthcare providers are in our community ready to serve our patients;
• by employing quality healthcare professionals;
• by partnering with professionals who have the financial expertise and knowledge to ensure the hospital’s revenue and financial situation is positive.

Changes in the hospital operations are inevitable and unavoidable to achieve our goal to be a viable and financially strong hospital. Efficiencies will have to be made through hard and unpopular decisions. This has begun with changes in the management of our business office and the discontinuation of home health services effective July 20, 2012.

With purpose and passion, we stand strong to take the necessary action to ensure to our patients they will continue to receive excellent health care for years to come.

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