Monday, July 30, 2012

Crops aren’t the only things stressed during the drought

Disasters create stress in our lives. For people in agriculture, drought adds to other stresses already experienced by farm families. Studies show that stress may be even greater for young farmers, those holding an off-farm job and women in farm families.

The Missouri Department of Mental Health and University of Missouri Extension have provided the following information concerning stress and how to deal with it.

We need to realize that drought stress may be different than stress in other disasters because a drought is an extended event and does not have a single moment of impact. The anxiety builds over time and becomes chronic, making it less noticeable to ourselves and those around us. The drought may not be viewed as seriously as a tornado because the damage is not as visible. Its impact is worsened for already stressed farm families and communities.

People should be aware of the following signs of stress:
Irritability and anger
Feelings of anxiety and worry
Headaches or gastrointestinal complaints
Increased risk-taking behavior
Changes in eating or sleep habits
Increased alcohol or drug use
Sense of helplessness
Lack of concentration
Avoidance or denial

To help with coping with stress, the Missouri Department of Mental Health offers the following suggestions:

Acknowledge and talk about feelings. Family, friends and neighbors can be helpful listeners and may share some of the same worries. Participating in church or spiritual renewal activities also can be sources of comfort and assistance in difficult times.
Eat healthy and get adequate sleep. Engaging in recreation or a favorite hobby, getting away for a few hours with friends, reading a good book, volunteering to help others, and finding time to laugh can help.

Nurture personal relationships. Couples should make time to be alone, to talk and to have fun. Families should re-establish important rituals such as mealtimes and holiday celebrations. Children may need additional support ― listen and be reassuring.

If stress, anxiety, depression or physical problems continue for more than a few weeks or if someone is having feelings of extreme hopelessness or extreme anger, talking about suicide or is violent, it is important to seek help immediately. Contact a physician or community mental health center as soon as possible.

-our thanks to Alan Mundey

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